Here are books we think are great to have and read, and re-read:
The Big Leap, Guy Hendricks Playing Big, Tara Mohr The War of ArtI, Steven Pressfield Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert Anam Cara, John O'Donohue The Language of Emotions, Karla McLaren The Gift, Hafez Steal like an Artist, Austin Kleon
Podcast Recommendations for Inspiration: On Being The Tim Ferris Show Longform
Inspired Newsletters to Subscribe to : Alexandra Franzen Austin Kleon
Here is a photo, taken by Andrew Hewitt, of one of my most inspired places on the planet, Kaua'i:
And here is my wish for you, a poem from a precious poetess that walked into my life many years ago, and whose art lives on in her absence.
Lost in the Woods: A Blessing by Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno
When you are certainly lost, when the wind blows acutely, when the moon is unavailable, when tragedy catches up and walks, like a companion, by your side, when the snowflakes fall severely; then, may you see a window and a pallid light, may the light get bolder as you get closer, may the light be the sound of vital laughing, may the laugh be the laugh of the one’s you’re missing, may your feet find their way to the oaken door, may the door swing open, sure and slow, may each kind glad face turn to yours.