I've scribbled the alphabet for meaning since I can remember.
![]() Walking in to OFC on Fairmount in Philadelphia for an uncertainly productive Wednesday morning, I scout for a table. The place is great. Great light. Great food. Great people – easy. The tricky part is me. I wasn’t even sure what to order. “Do you have pour-overs?” “I don’t know, I’m new.” “That’s okay,” We both laugh. “I’ll ask,” he leans over then answers, “No.” “Okay, I’ll have the Columbia drip. Large.” He reaches for a paper cup. “I’m here though.” “Large is only in paper –“ I motion that either works and realize that neither one of us is very certain, and yet we are both incredibly accommodating and willing. I waddle to a table – although it takes me about three tries to pick one, and as I type I am still eyeing…and now have literally moved to the perfect table: right by an open window, but not in direct sun; close to an outlet and a wall, but not boxed it; near the hum of people, but quietly focused. It just took a little ahonui. Ahonui, you may know, is the name of my four-footed wonder, my dog. It is also the Hawaiian word for “patience with perseverance.” Patience alone lacks that tenacity of fortitude, I was told once. Patience is the kindness that can last all day, yet still knows the goal will be achieved. Ahonui: patience with perseverance. So, in this post Solstice time, if you feel the warmth of the sun moving you to create and you aren’t just sure how to yet…..take one step. Grab one table, and then when the college student with a quail baseball cap leaves – you move. Seriously, do it in small ways that work up to big ones. For us, this summer has been fantastic and edgy. Yes, even for us the new leaps can be a little edgy; it's one way I know I am growing. I am excited to be hosted at new studios and even new cities to share lomilomi. We are ecstatic that a supportive friend + client is bringing us to Baltimore for the first time (already booked with a waiting list), and we are looking for studios to launch empowerment classes in the fall. Yes, we will be working on the East Coast again in the late fall and we are even working on some sweet collaboration projects so stay tuned. Grab your latte and your apricot scone and come have a chat with us – tell us what you are creating, where you are going and how you are sharing your greatness because it’s time. Here's a little Ahonui for you. Share it + have a beautiful day. ![]() Having a fantastic time in Allentown visiting our dear friend and yogini, Amy Angelo before a torrential downpour that left us sopping wet, laughing and in witness to a tremendous rainbow. You know, there are no rainbows without a little rain. What are we up to?Happily exteneded Lomilomi sessions in Philadelphia, limited dates through July, packages available.
Opening space for 3 Writing Brilliant clients: Reclaim your creative voice, email me to see if we are a good fit for getting it write(right). Lomilomi returns to the South Bay in August and North Bay in October. Level One: Introduction to Polynesian Philosophy in the North Bay this October. OPEN: Workshops for Women launching this Fall. We are on Day 14 of The 100 Day Project where we are writing a page a day for a tiny book to be completed early 2016. Follow our progress on instagram. We are using Tulsi from Wisdom of the Earth and the Ananda Spray from Golden Aromatherapy to keep cool this summer. What are you up to? Follow us on insta @wisdomofone or FB or send us a letter and let us know how you are doing. We are looking for a web designer too, if you know of a recommendation, a like-mimded soul send us an email at [email protected] Much Love, Kate
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January 2019