I've scribbled the alphabet for meaning since I can remember.
I love essential oils. They are the distilled power of plants that can easily penetrate - in my experience - the levels of physical, emotional and even spiritual simultaneously.
Think about it. Your olfactory sense communicates axons (information) to various brain centers, including the indubitable amygdala. The amygdala is fascinating in that it contains our imprinting of how to handle stimulus based on our previous experiences or patterning. What does that have to do with smelly (both lovely and sometimes pungent) oils? Well, the nose sniffs and the action or emotion of the oil goes directly to the brain and the brain says, "Oh, yes, yum,'" and responds to the energetic of the oil; therefore, we have the experience of the energetic of the oil. That energetic experience can have amino acids and polypeptides released into our system, so that "energy" of peace, euphoria, or steadfastness actually courses through our veins if we allow our noses to know. Don't believe me? Grab a tangerine essential oil and take a sniff; then grab a Marjoram essential oil and take a sniff. Did your nose notice the change? Did your face change too? Did one draw you in and one draw you back? I bet so. Back to Yarrow, there are several types, but I am just playing with Blue Yarrow right now. Yarrow is a strong, earthy essential oil and is well known for its protective properties, which is helpful when there is a lot of travel. Traveling can leave us ecstatic and a bit depleted if we are not mindful to up our immune system and nurture ourselves as we are far away from our cozy habits of home with our favorite tea or long walk that helps us unwind: a calm nervous system is a healthy component of a strong immune system. Knowing this, and how a lot of travel can ask more of my body, I have been rubbing Yarrow on the soles of my feet (in connection to reflexology each organ is represented, or connected to a meridian point at the bottom of our feet), and I have been pleasantly surprised at how supportive, protective and nutritive Yarrow has been. What you empower empowers you. This has been the case in many of my herbal experiences. For instance, I normally travel with a tried and true group of 5 oils and then add to that based on what is going on in my life. On a quick side trip, I only had Yarrow. With all the travel, I noticed my menstrual cycle was a little slow and arduous in its start. I grabbed Yarrow and generously slathered her on my belly, hoping she'd do something. Researching after the fact, I learned She is a well known uterine tonic. Sometimes that is just how (unknowingly) supported we are. Plants are constantly teaching me. We have had a close relationship, sometimes I have been less than dutiful, yet, each time I return to the realm of Nature with an honest heart, I am accepted, nourished and supported. So Yarrow prompted me to share. Why not? Perhaps She has something to tell you, too. Interested in learning more about oils or meeting Yarrow yourself? Drop a line: [email protected]
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