I've scribbled the alphabet for meaning since I can remember.
I’m back in Hawaii. I am so grateful to be back in Hawaii, I trembled in gratitude in the airport. Trembled. It’s not because there are beaches and sun, necessarily. It is because Nature is still a living and respected entity here. It is because there is beauty in the land, in the people. You feel alive. Guess what – there is beauty everywhere. Philadelphians, can you imagine the Schuylkill River before pollution? I sat near the Delaware River in Port Richmond in a little nook, climbing over trash, watching trash float down the current of the river as I also watched a family of three geese, and I still felt the calmness that Nature provides; I sat there and received nourishment and apologized for desecrating Her, Mother Nature. There is no them. We are all responsible. And guess what else, we all deserve access to beauty and nature. We do. We absolutely do. I was going to research articles to cite here to prove to you – and then I didn’t. I didn’t because I am no longer interested in your rational mind. I don’t need a statistic to prove to you that you feel better around Nature. I am appealing to the part of you that has become dormant, pushed away, disassociated, shut down, but still very much there. I am appealing to the you that smiles at the first snow, that sighs at fresh flowers on the table, twinkles her toes in the ocean, stretches his spine in the sun, or exhales joy from pikake. The mountain climber. The outdoor napper. The fresh fruit eater. I am appealing to the you that thinks you can only see beauty on vacation. Wake up; it’s not true. And stop getting mad at those that live near Nature. Please consider extending kindness to those that think farming and living more connected to the Earth is worthwhile; please stop dismissing them as "hippies." Perhaps there is a way to be a modern human, and think other lives matter just as much as yours – including trees, do you remember learning about photosynthesis and the carbon dioxide /oxygen exchange necessary for human life – without being a hippie? (Okay, there is one citation. I couldn't help it.) Maybe being conscious of what provides you life and choosing to be as kind as is available to you is called being a human being - not a hippie. Maybe when we start realizing that we are worth more, we can extend that kindness to others. All others. But honestly, start with yourself. Start with the grass you just walked over and never noticed, or start noticing that there is no grass and you are always on concrete, with ear buds in and your phone glued to your hand and wonder why you cannot relax. Maybe it’s connected. We cannot thrive in a mall, on our phone, or in a synthesized reality. Sorry, it’s true. Here is one article I beg you to read, here We can change. And we can start now, love. #startnowlove 1. Go outside 2. Inhale, Exhale + say, “Thank you.” 3. Repeat 4. Notice It won’t cost you a thing. And please, please, have a beautyfull day. #startnowlove is a tiny book that I have been working on in conjunction with #The100DayProject. To watch the progress or hear about upcoming events follow on insta: @wisdomofone | send me an email and tell me what you are working on [email protected] | check out wrtitingbrilliant.com if you are ready to mid-wife your own project.
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